
Smart Money Decisions Bazerman Pdf

Smart Money Decisions Bazerman Pdf 4,5/5 7629 reviews

Smart Money Decisions illustrates both how and why we make the decisions we do. Offering an intriguing mental audit of people's psychological relationship with money, it provides the essential understanding you need to identify your own approach to finances, recognize any inherent problems, and determine ways to overcome them.
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Smart Money Decisions Bazerman Pdf Example

Jacket Description:
When it comes to money matters, even the smartest of us can make some pretty dumb decisions. From falling in love at first sight with a house and hastily negotiating a price to blindly following the pack in investment dealings, life is fraught with financial choices that are settled on with gut instinct rather than a level head—moves that can, and often do, lead to costly mistakes. In order to sidestep major money blunders, resisting first impulses, though not easy to do, is absolutely crucial. This groundbreaking book gives you the tools necessary to think through fiscal issues practically so you don’t continue making decisions rashly. Written by Max Bazerman, a renowned expert in the field of decision making and negotiation, Smart Money Decisions illustrates both how and why we make the decisions we do. Offering an intriguing mental audit of people’s psychological relationship with money, it provides the essential understanding you need to identify your own approach to finances, recognize any inherent problems, and determine ways to overcome them. Bazerman guides you through these basic steps with the goal of permanently improving your financial decisions in a wide range of real-life scenarios, such as buying and selling a home or a car, making investments, and choosing careers. Highlighting the errors too often made in these and other situations, Smart Money Decisions presents the 10 most important money mistakes, including:*Overconfidence—the engine that fuels other monetary missteps*Being unprepared—'winging it' leads to mishaps that could easily be avoided*Focusing on beating the other side—coming out on top shouldn’t overshadow making a decision that will help you in the long run*Ignoring alternatives—having your heart set on only one option isn’t always the wisest strategyPacked with sound advice and expert recommendations on how to make more reasoned monetary decisions, Smart Money Decisions is essential reading for anyone who wants to stop making costly financial errors.
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Table of Contents:
Do I Hear $5 for a $100 Bill?

Falling in Love with One Rather Than Three, and Other Common House-Buying Mistakes.

I Got the Car for Less Than Invoice.

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  1. Each of the 14 Money Smart for Adults modules includes: Instructor Guides that include what you need to prepare and deliver Money Smart training, including easy to follow cues, script, and interactive exercises. PowerPoint Slides that can help you present training content in an engaging manner.
  2. He is the author or coauthor of over 125 research articles, and the author, coauthor, or coeditor of 10 books, including You Can't Enlarge the Pie: The Psychology of Ineffective Government (with J. Baron and Katherine Shonk; in press), Smart Money Decisions (1999), Judgment in Managerial Decision Making (5th ed., 2002), and Negotiating.
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Vivid Scares.

Time's Up: How Much Is Your Time Worth?

Have I Got a Mutual Fund for You!

Which Job Offer Should I Accept?: Negotiating with Yourself and Losing.

What's Fair and Why Do You Care?

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Putting Yourself in the Other Guy's Shoes.

Smart Money Decisions Bazerman Pdf Template

Knowing When to Quit.

Playing to Win.

The Mythical Fixed Pie.

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Going, Going, Gone.

How Much Is It Worth to You?

Avoiding Money Mistakes in the Future.


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About the Author.

Smart Money Decisions Bazerman Pdf 4th Edition

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